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Have you ever wondered about some things, like what happens once we die? What will the new heaven and earth look like? But simple things too like who will I marry? How many children will I have? How will they look?

A question that often crosses my mind is does the cross make sense? My answer would first be yes, it does, Jesus became a sacrifice for our sins. But then NO comes to mind, No it does not make sense that the God of the universe loved us so much that He died on a cross for us, why would someone love me this much? I came to a point where I knew I did not have to understand why He loves me any longer but I needed to trust that the God of the universe loves me. Just like a wife knows her husband loves her without knowing all the answers to why he loves her so we need to know that we do not have to do anything, or be anyone who we are not to be loved by God. We are His!

Romans 8:38-39 reminds us

38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Are you happy to rest in Gods love today? All you need to know is that you are loved by the creator of the universe

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